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【高教深耕計畫】114年度計畫申請-22-善盡社會責任(獨立計畫) [Higher Education Deepening Plan] 114th Annual Plan Application-22- Fulfilling Social Responsibility (Independent Project)





為落實社會責任之實踐,本校以三綠二植一共學無國界為目標,三多培力機制為特色,發展智慧知識社區協作、深耕綠色環境人文、扶持區域經濟發展及厚植離島偏鄉共學等四項執行策略, 透過大數據、人工智慧、物聯網應用,以及關鍵能力培育,將大學與區域城鄉發展之在地連結,鼓勵教師帶領學生以跨科系、跨領域串聯的力量,走進社區、部落,與在地居民一起發掘問題,尋求解決方案,同時將課程結合場域議題與實作,以行動力履踐社會責任。


高教深耕計畫將開放申請「114年度高教計畫申請 善盡社會責任獨立計畫」,



【計畫申請表下載】 https://reurl.cc/MjEDvW







































SDG 1 終結貧窮:消除各地一切形式的貧窮 

SDG 2 消除飢餓:確保糧食安全,消除飢餓,促進永續農業

SDG 3 健康與福祉:確保及促進各年齡層健康生活與福祉

SDG 4 優質教育:確保有教無類、公平以及高品質的教育,及提倡終身學習

SDG 5 性別平權:實現性別平等,並賦予婦女權力

SDG 6 淨水及衛生:確保所有人都能享有水、衛生及其永續管理

SDG 7 可負擔的潔淨能源:確保所有的人都可取得負擔得起、可靠、永續及現代的能源

SDG 8 合適的工作及經濟成長:促進包容且永續的經濟成長,讓每個人都有一份好工作

SDG 9 工業化、創新及基礎建設:建立具有韌性的基礎建設,促進包容且永續的工業,並加速創新

SDG 10 減少不平等:減少國內及國家間的不平等

SDG 11 永續城鄉:建構具包容、安全、韌性及永續特質的城市與鄉村

SDG 12 責任消費及生產:促進綠色經濟,確保永續消費及生產模式

SDG 13 氣候行動:完備減緩調適行動,以因應氣候變遷及其影響

SDG 14 保育海洋生態:保育及永續利用海洋生態系,以確保生物多樣性並防止海洋環境劣化

SDG 15 保育陸域生態:保育及永續利用陸域生態系,確保生物多樣性並防止土地劣化

SDG 16 和平、正義及健全制度:促進和平多元的社會,確保司法平等,建立具公信力且廣納民意的體系

SDG 17 多元夥伴關係:建立多元夥伴關係,協力促進永續願景








5. 結案時間:1141115**

6. 結案資料:(1)結案報告(需繳交電子檔)(2)活動人數調查表;(3)計畫執行團隊與外部合作夥伴、學生參與及課程連結調查;(4)計畫質量化指標檢核表;(5)學生問卷


*Personal information use statement: Personal information on this platform is only used by the organizer.

 [Higher Education Deepening Plan] 114th Annual Plan Application-22- Fulfilling Social Responsibility (Independent Project)

 Hello fello teachers:

In order to implement the practice of social responsibility, our school takes the three greens, two plants, and learning without borders as its goal, and features the three more training mechanisms to develop smart knowledge community collaboration, deeply cultivate green environment and humanities, support regional economic development, and cultivate community in remote villages on outlying islands. The four implementation strategies of learning, through big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things applications, and key competency cultivation, connect the university with regional urban and rural development, and encourage teachers to lead students to connect forces across disciplines and fields. Go into communities and tribes, explore problems and seek solutions with local residents, and combine courses with field issues and practices to fulfill social responsibilities with action.


The Higher Education Deepening Project will open applications for the " 114 Annual Higher Education Project Application for an Independent Project to Fulfill Social Responsibility".


Teachers and teachers are kindly requested to read the following program application instructions carefully and download the form from the eform system to fill in the application. The maximum per case for the general program is NT$150,000 , and the maximum per case for the USR-Hub program is NT$500,000 ( subject to final approval ) .


[Download application form] https://reurl.cc/MjEDvW


If you have any questions about the program application method or program content, please contact us.

 Finally, the application form is sent back to each unit for confirmation. The Higher Education Deepening Planning Office will compile and review the application materials from each unit.


1.Topic: Please refer to the table below to select

Issue items

Issue connotation


Refer to the corresponding SDGs goals

 Local care

From the perspective of humanistic care and value innovation, through the integration of schools and practice fields and assistance in solving problems, we will enhance issues of humanities and urban and rural development.

High-quality education, digital learning companions, non-profit kindergartens, etc., Qingyin mutual learning, etc.

1. Eliminate poverty; 4. Quality education; 10. Reduce inequality

Environmental sustainability

At the same time as social and economic development, in order to mitigate the impact of extreme climate and human factors on the environment, schools will assist in the improvement of the site environment and the protection and reuse of environmental natural resources.

Disaster prevention, extreme climate, water environment improvement, net zero emissions, underwater and terrestrial life conservation, marine education, ecological conservation, etc.

6. Clean water and sanitation; 7. Affordable and clean energy

13. Climate action; 14. Life under water; 15. Life on land

Industrial links and economic sustainability

The economic market fluctuates violently and urban and rural development is uneven. It is an issue to enhance the innovation ability and competitiveness of the practical field through the connection and cooperation between schools and industries to create good social stability and sustainable economic development.

 Industrial development, employment and population improvement, food sustainability, etc.

2. Zero hunger; 8. Decent work and economic growth

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure; 12. Responsible consumption and production

Health promotion and food safety

It is expected that more than 20% of Taiwan's elderly population will become a super-aged society in 2025 , and food safety issues are emerging one after another. The issue of establishing a healthy and supportive environment through school-assisted practice sites to improve the quality of life and overall health status

Food, agriculture ( fishery ) education, food safety, all-round health promotion, optimization of rural medical resources, etc.

3. Good health and well-being

Cultural sustainability

In order to promote the development of local multicultural society, through cooperation between schools and practice sites, we can understand the development situations of different cultures, enrich multiculturalism, and develop issues of local characteristic culture.

Cultural preservation, promotion of local ( original ) culture, preservation and restoration of cultural assets, multiculturalism, etc.

11. Sustainable cities and communities

 Other social practices

Other characteristic issues with social practical implications.

Other characteristic issues with social practical implications.

5. Gender equality

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions


2.United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

 (SDG 1 End poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere)

 (SDG 2 End hunger: Ensure food security, end hunger and promote sustainable agriculture)

 (SDG 3 Health and Well-Being: Ensure and promote healthy lives and well-being for all ages)

 (SDG 4 Quality Education: Ensure universal, equitable and high-quality education, and promote lifelong learning)

 (SDG 5 Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower women)

 (SDG 6 Water and Sanitation: Ensure access to water, sanitation and their sustainable management for all)

 (SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy: Ensure that all people have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy)

 (SDG 8 Decent jobs and economic growth: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth so that everyone has a good job)

 (SDG 9 Industrialization, Innovation and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industries, and accelerate innovation)

 (SDG 10 Reduce inequality: Reduce inequality within and between countries)

 (SDG 11 Sustainable Urban and Rural Areas: Building cities and rural areas that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable)

 (SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production: Promote green economy and ensure sustainable consumption and production models)

 (SDG 13 Climate Action: Comprehensive mitigation and adaptation actions to respond to climate change and its impacts)

 (SDG 14 Conservation of marine ecology: conserve and sustainably utilize marine ecosystems to ensure biodiversity and prevent degradation of the marine environment)

 (SDG 15 Conservation of terrestrial ecology: Conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems to ensure biodiversity and prevent land degradation)

 (SDG 16 Peace, justice and sound institutions: Promote a peaceful and pluralistic society, ensure judicial equality, and establish a system that is credible and inclusive of public opinion)

 (SDG 17 Diverse Partnerships: Establish diverse partnerships and work together to promote a sustainable vision)


3.Funding: limited to business expenses. To apply for various funds, please follow the key points of the "Funding Standard Table for Mingchuan University Higher Education Deepening Plan (https://reurl.cc/GA97RG)". The maximum hourly fee is per hour. NT $2,000 (Off-campus experts pay NT $2000,On-campus experts pay NT$1,000); the maximum consulting fee is NT$2,000 per person per day (off-campus only, not included on campus), work-study fee: 28 hours per person per month, $183 per hour, limited to 3 applications, teaching materials The maximum recording fee is NT$6,000 per person (at least one teaching material must be provided); the accommodation fee is NT$100 per meal (lunch, dinner)


-Regular doors: hourly fee, consulting fee, work-study fee, teaching material cataloging fee (textbook file must be provided when signing receipt), board and lodging fee, printing fee, insurance fee, transportation fee, miscellaneous expenses, and item fee.


4. Application period: from now until 17:00 on November 15, 2024 (Friday)

5. Case closing time: November 15, 2025**

6. Case closing information: (1) Case closing report ( electronic file required ) ; (2) Activity attendance survey form; (3) Project execution team and external partners, student participation and course connection survey; (4) Project Quality indicator checklist; (5) Student questionnaire





日期 Date: 
10/25/2024 to 11/15/2024
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