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【研究發展處】113學年度「銘傳大學學術性專書/專章獎勵申請表」2024-2025AY"MCU Professional Publication Award (Book/Chapter) Application Form"





1.Ming Chuan University Academic year 2024-25 Professional Publication Award is open for applications from now to October 31, 2024. Please read the The Ming Chuan University Research / Study Reward Application Procedures for Faculty Members.”

2.Period of Professional Publication Award(Book/Chapter)Application Procedures for Faculty Members:January 1, 2022 to October 31, 2024.

3.Please print out and sign the application form. Then submit it for the Department chair’s and School dean's signatures, along with the 2 copies of professional publication, 1 copy of publishing unit review document(s), For professional publications in humanities and social sciences, proof of not being funded by NSTC or other units is required. Once signed, send it to the Research and Development Division, which will then submit it to the Faculty Review and Evaluation Committee for review.





研發處 敬啟113.10.02

承辦人:吳惠真 分機2653

Best regards,

Research and Development Division
Wu, Hui-Chen (Ext.2653)

日期 Date: 
10/04/2024 to 10/31/2024