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 **Higher Education Sprout Project**  

**Application for the 114th Year Project - Curriculum Innovation Plan**

 Dear Faculty,

The Higher Education Sprout Project is now accepting applications for the "114th Year Curriculum Innovation Plan." We kindly ask all faculty to carefully read the following application instructions and fill out the application in the eform system.

 The office of the Higher Education Sprout Project will consolidate and review the application materials from each unit, and will eventually return the applications to each unit for confirmation.

 If you have any questions regarding the application process or the project content, please contact Jiou-Ming from the Higher Education Sprout Project at extension 2543.

 **Project Description:**

 1. **AI Curriculum Innovation Plan:** Important areas of artificial intelligence, including computing platforms, sensors, smart appliances, robotics, and autonomous driving, have the potential to become Taiwan's next golden opportunity. We encourage departments to design courses, organize competitions, and produce teaching materials related to this topic.

 2. **Blockchain Curriculum Innovation Plan:** With the rise of blockchain in the market, continuous innovations in various industry applications make knowledge education on this topic an essential foundation for students. We encourage faculty to design courses, organize competitions, and produce teaching materials related to this topic.

 3. **Big Data Curriculum Innovation Plan:** The era of big data has arrived, driven by the development of information technology and the Internet of Things, connecting the big data analysis needs of domestic enterprises and government agencies. We encourage faculty to design courses, organize competitions, and produce teaching materials related to this topic.

 4. **Programming Curriculum Innovation Plan:** To enhance students' basic understanding of logical operations and programming, improve information literacy and the ability to use information technology, and cultivate professionals in the field of programming, we encourage faculty to design courses, organize competitions, and produce teaching materials related to this topic.

 5. **High-Tech Curriculum Innovation Plan:** The global demand for semiconductor chips has made Taiwan's high-tech manufacturing technology, industry chain, and talent a focus of international attention. To cultivate high-level scientific and technological talents in key national fields, such as chip design, semiconductors, green technology, and biotechnology, we encourage faculty to design courses, organize competitions, and produce teaching materials related to this topic.


 (1) **Funding:** Please fill out operational and capital expenses separately. For each funding application, please follow the "Ming Chuan University Higher Education Sprout Project Budget Guidelines" (https://reurl.cc/GA97RG). If there are special needs, please indicate them in the application materials.

 (2) **Application Period:** From now until November 15, 2024 (Friday) at 12:00 noon.

 (3) **Course Specification:** Innovative courses are limited to undergraduate programs.

 (4) **Completion Time:** All expenses must be settled by October 31, 2025 (Friday). No applications will be accepted after this date. (Please submit the completion report within 10 days after the event, and vouchers within 15 days; for capital expenditure projects, please complete the acceptance and settlement by August 31, 2025.)

 (5) **Completion Report:** (An electronic version must be submitted to the Moodle Higher Education Sprout Project area): Please refer to the format at https://tec.mcu.edu.tw/content/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89.


 **In response to the Ministry of Education's revised regulation issued on October 15, 2024, the daily meal allowance is adjusted to 120 NTD per meal for lunch and dinner. Please adjust the budget accordingly when applying for accommodation and meal expenses.**


日期 Date: 
10/25/2024 to 11/15/2024
★【請注意】★ 1. 業務費與資本門請分開填寫 2. 鐘點費以校外國內專家學者$2,000元/小時及校內老師$1,000元/小時為上限 3. 如需聘請業師,請檢附業師簡歷表
請填寫 單價x數量 (如:1,200元x2小時)
【請注意】 1. 業務費與資本門請分開填寫。 2. 採購之品項單價須在新台幣一萬元以上,且耐用年限在二年以上之各項儀器、機械及資訊設備(包含各項電腦設施、網路系統、週邊設備、套裝軟體需買斷授權或應用系統開發規劃設計)等。 3. 單價三萬以上請附三張不同廠商之估價單。
請填寫 單價x數量 (如:12,000元x2台)