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2026年雄獅菁英學苑實習計畫說明會LionAcademy Internship Program Application Info Session
(1) 桃園校區 Taoyuan Campus
時間Date & Time:2025年03月11日(二) Tuesday March 11, 2025
時間 Time |
學院College |
地點 Venue |
10:10-11:30 |
觀光學院 School of Tourism 人文社會科學暨教育學院 School of Humanities,Social Sciences,and Education |
觀光語文大樓 P101 Tourism and Languages Building P101 |
12:00-12:50 |
國際學院 International College 觀光學程 TR 資訊學程 ITM |
觀光語文大樓 P101 Tourism and Languages Building P101 |
(2) 台北校區 Taipei Campus
時間Date & Time:2025年03月14日(五) Friday March 14, 2025
時間 Time |
學院College |
地點 Venue |
12:00-13:00 |
國際學院 International College 國貿學程 IBT 傳播學程 JMC 時尚學程 FIM |
法學大樓 B901 School of Law Building B901 |
● 實習對象Intended for:以觀光學院、人文教育學院、國際學院2026年是大三、大四、碩一學生為主The main student body in 2026 for the School of Tourism, School of Humanities,Social Sciences,and Education, and International College consists of juniors, seniors, and first-year master's students.
● 申請條件Potential candidates:本國籍或外國籍之學生且外語能力佳Local or international students with a good command of foreign language skills
● 實習申請方式:請準備以下資料,並於2025年04月09日(三)下午4:00前繳交給各系/學程秘書。
A.履歷表 (檔案:請點我 )
B.師長推薦函 (檔案:請點我 )
Internship application method: Please prepare the following information and submit all the application materials to the secretary of your program no later than 4pm, Wednesday on April 9, 2025.
A.Lion Academy Registration Form (File: Please click here)
B.Letter of Recommendation (File: Please click here)
C.Transcript of last semester (the second semester of AY2023-2024)
D.Language certificate (of all languages possible) and/or other professional certification
※ 如想將此實習認列學分之學生,請務必先與系上負責實習業務之老師確認是否可認列實習學分。
If you want this internship to be recognized for credit, please confirm with the faculty member in charge of internship programs of your department whether it can be recognized as for internship credit in advance.
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