
Submissions for this form are closed.

* 個資使用聲明:本平台個人資訊僅供承辦單位使用。


Turnitin論文比對系統 提供您 比對個人論文與其它資料相似文字的百分比率的功能!
Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism-prevention service created by iParadigms, LLC. Typically, universities and high schools buy licenses to submit essays to the Turnitin website, which checks the documents for unoriginal content.
The results can be used to identify similarities to existing sources or can be used in formative assessment to help students learn how to avoid plagiarism and improve their writing.
All students are welcome to register for this activity!
二、遇當日臨時有事不克前往者,請事先e-mail至bluecian@mail.mcu.edu.tw 告知,請勿臨時無故缺席,謝謝您的配合!
1.Please be reminded that the deadline of registration for each education training is the day before the course, so that the Library can send learners notification before the course and conduct related processing. Sorry for any inconvenience. 
2. Applicants who are not able to attend the course at the last minute, please e-mail a notification to: bluecian@mail.mcu.edu.tw prior to the course time. Please not be absent without any special reason. Thanks for your cooperation!
日期 Date: 
02/13/2023 to 07/31/2023