* 個資使用聲明:本平台個人資訊僅供承辦單位使用。
➳ 請先登入帳號,下載快報後,下拉到底進行簽到!! ➳
➳ Please log in, download the biweekly, scroll down to the bottom, and check in! ➳
*注意事項 Important Notes:
◔ 固定於隔週一早上10點發布,並於週五下午4點截止。
The bulletin is released every other Monday at 10 AM and the check-in deadline is Friday at 4 PM.
◔ 請於週五下午4點以前下載並完成簽到,才予以計分!
You must download the bulletin and complete the check-in by 4 PM on Friday to receive points!
*下載專區 Download Area:
113-1 心靈DJ期初大會暨專題講座--【期初大會簡報】(僅供心靈DJ參考,請勿轉傳,謝謝)
113-1 Mental DJ Orientation and Special Lecture -- 【Orientation Presentation】(For Peer support only, please do not share, thank you)
心靈快報第一期113.09.30-113.10.04 【☞點我下載】【UP COMING SOON】
心靈快報第二期113.10.14-113.10.18 【UP COMING SOON】
心靈快報第三期113.10.28-113.11.01 【UP COMING SOON】
心靈快報第四期113.11.11-113.10.15 【UP COMING SOON】
心靈快報第五期113.11.25-113.11.29 【UP COMING SOON】
心靈快報第六期113.12.09-113.12.13 【UP COMING SOON】
Please complete the end-of-term feedback form (☞ link) by 12/13.
(1) 12/17(二)下午3點以前,以email收到導師覆核單
Receive the advisor review form via email by 12/17 (Tue) at 3 PM.
(2) 請於12/24(二)下午5點以前,將簽好名的導師覆核單繳回至前程規劃處(近D105側的行政大樓2F,富邦ATM樓上)
Submit the signed mentor review form to the Career Planning Office by 12/24 (Tue) at 5 PM (Admin Building 2F near D105, above Fubon ATM).
(3) 恕不接受以email繳交導師覆核單,且逾期將無法受理
Email submissions of the advisor review form are not accepted, and late submissions will not be processed.
For any questions, please contact Mr. Mori Lin from the Career Planning Office: morilin@mail.mcu.edu.tw, or call: 02-2882-4564 ext. 2602.
When emailing, please include your department and name, and clearly describe your question. Thank you!
【個資宣告】此資料之蒐集僅限於活動報名與辦理、會計與相關事務、憑證管理業務、協助公部門調查或執行業務及法令需求等目的使用,非經當事人意,絕不轉做其他用途,亦不會公佈任何資訊,並遵循本校資料保存與安全控管辦理。(詳細個資管理可參閱「銘傳大學個人資料保護管理要點」與「銘傳大學個人資料保護專區」http://pims.mcu.edu.tw )