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【教務處】銘傳大學113學年度第2學期原班必修換班申請表2024-25 Academic Year 2nd Semester Application for Change of Class Section for Required Courses

2024-25 Academic Year 2nd Semester Change of Class Section for Required Courses, Course Selection for Minors, and Double Majors, please fill out online e-Form from Monday, January 13
 to Thursday, January 16, 2025.

本表僅供申請原班必修換班填寫 This form is use only for applying for Change of Class Section for Required Course(s)

共同英文課程必修換班申請請填  Change of Class Section for MCU Core Required English Courses Application Form →

輔系、雙主修申請請填 Application Form for Minor and/or Double Major  →

The Academic Affairs Division will collect all applications and then submit them to each department for further evaluation. Upon approval of the applications, the adding and/or dropping of courses will proceed. Please check the results that will be posted on your course schedule in the Student Information System starting at 16:00 on Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Students who have taken an elective in another department, or taken an online course (Accounting, Economics, Statistics, and Calculus) and need to retake such a course must add this course during the Add/Drop period.

Students who want to select additional courses, must first have the department director’s permission, and then go to the Curriculum Section (or Taoyuan Campus Academic Affairs Section) during the Add/Drop period to add a course.

請先使用個人帳號登入eForm平台系統後,再行填寫表單。Please login into eForm portal, and then fill out the form.


1.請依選課須知辦理選課Choose courses according to relevant regulations.
2.「*」為必填項目fields marked * are required

日期 Date: 
01/13/2025 to 01/16/2025