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【人力資源處】110年度紙本之保險費繳納證明申請 2021 Insurance Statement applications

二、本校為響應環保並配合報稅無紙化電子作業,年度保險費證明不再全數列印分送。若您仍有需要「紙本之保險費繳納證明」,請於4月27日(週三)前至銘傳大學eForm平台 ( 線上填送申請表。
承辦人: 陳秀娟 分機2256

Dear Colleagues:
1. When declaring tax online or at the local taxation office, tax payers may query the amount of deductions (including Civil Servant, Labor and National Health Insurance). No paper documentation is required.
2. To conserve resources and comply with the governmental policy, a printed Insurance Statement for declaring personal payroll tax will be provided only upon request. If you still need an insurance statement in paper form, please file an application on Ming Chuan University e-Form platform at before April 27th (Monday).
3. Documents will then be processed and delivered to applicants by the end of April.
Best regards,
Human Resources Division
Chen, Hsiu-Chuan (Ext. 2256) 

日期 Date: 
04/18/2022 to 04/28/2022