* 個資使用聲明:本平台個人資訊僅供承辦單位使用。
<<重要提醒! !此僅為暑修科目意願調查,並非選課成功,正式的暑修報名方式、選課時間和課表查詢將於2025/4/28左右透過校內各種渠道發佈公告>
暑修上課時間 Course Schedule for Summer Sessions:
Summer Session I (June 23 to July 25) for fall semester or single semester courses
Summer Session II (July 28 to August 29) for spring semester or single semester courses
The personal information collected on this form is used only for academic affairs data management and university affairs analysis. Without student's express agreement, this information will not be used for any other purpose, nor will it be publicized, in accordance with the university's data storage and security control management procedures.