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各位師長 您好:



若對計畫申請方式或計畫內容有疑問,請各位師長與高教深耕 - 久銘 聯繫~(分機2543)。





2.申請期間:即日起至113年11月15日 中午12:00截止。


(1)本次申請為- 114年上下學期課程 (包含113下學期以及114上學期課程)










(113下課程約於6月初寄發領據並於6月底前協助核銷,114上課程 約於10月初寄發領據並於10月底前協助核銷,懇請老師於課程結束後記得繳交結案報告)。**




  **Higher Education Sprout Project**  

**Application for the 114th Annual Core Curriculum After-Class Tutoring Program**

 Dear Faculty,

 The Higher Education Sprout Project will open applications for the "114th Annual Core Curriculum After-Class Tutoring Program." We kindly ask all faculty to carefully review the application details below and to fill out the application in the eform system.

 The Higher Education Sprout Project Office will compile and review the applications from each unit, and ultimately send the application forms back to the respective units for confirmation.

 If you have any questions regarding the application process or the program content, please contact Jiou-Ming from the Higher Education Sprout Project at extension 2543.

 **Program Description:**

 To assist students who are struggling academically in establishing a solid foundation in essential subjects, facilitating their learning in advanced courses.

 1. **Funding:** Hourly pay (on-campus teachers: $1,000 per hour).

 2. **Application Period:** From now until November 15, 113, at 12:00 PM.

 3. **Application Instructions:**

   - This application is for courses in the 114 academic year (including the 113 spring semester and the 114 fall semester).

   - Priority will be given to required courses.

 4. **Course Regulations:**

   - Limited to undergraduate courses.

   - Each class must have at least 15 students enrolled.

   - Classes cannot be taught by teaching assistants.

   - Tutoring sessions should be held during non-class hours.

   - The maximum number of teaching hours is 20.

 5. **Final Report** (an electronic copy must be submitted to the Moodle section for the Higher Education Sprout Project): Please submit the list of tutored students and the attendance sheet within 10 days after the course ends. For formatting, please refer to [this link](https://tec.mcu.edu.tw/content/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89).

 **This program will be officially signed and reimbursed by the Higher Education Sprout Project Office.**

 (Course receipts for the 113 spring semester will be sent out around early June, with assistance for reimbursement before the end of June; course receipts for the 114 fall semester will be sent out around early October, with assistance for reimbursement before the end of October. Please remember to submit the final report after the course ends.)


  **In response to the Ministry of Education's revision notice dated October 15, 113 (Document No. 1134400978A), the revised content stipulates that the daily meal allowance per person for lunch and dinner is changed to a unit price of 120 NT dollars. If applying for meal and accommodation expenses, please budget according to the revised unit price.**

日期 Date: 
10/25/2024 to 11/15/2024
計算:開課班級數量 X 每班授課時數,授課時數最高上限為20小時
計算:校內老師鐘點費每小時$1,000元 X 總計授課時數