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【高教深耕計畫】114年度計畫申請-17-特色實驗室【Higher Education Sprout Project】 2025 Plan Application - 17 - Featured Lab





若對計畫申請方式或計畫內容有疑問,還請各位師長與我們聯繫(郁茹助理 #2546 / yuruu@mail.mcu.edu.tw)。


Dear faculty members,

The Higher Education Sprout Project will open applications for the "2025 Specialized Laboratory (Teaching and Research Equipment) Plan." We kindly request all faculty members to carefully read the following application instructions and submit their applications through the eform system. The Higher Education Sprout Project Office will consolidate and review the application materials from each department and eventually send approved documents back to each unit for confirmation. If you have any questions about the application process or the content of the plan, please feel free to contact us (Assistant Yuru at extension 2546 / yuruu@mail.mcu.edu.tw).





1. 經費:採購之品項單價須在新台幣一萬元以上,且耐用年限在二年以上之各項儀器、機械及資訊設備(包含各項電腦設施、網路系統、週邊設備、套裝軟體需買斷授權或應用系統開發規劃設計)等,以及圖書館典藏之分類圖書。

2. 申請期間:即日起至113年11月15日(五) 中午12:00 止

3. 結案時間:114年08月31日前完成核銷,非此日期之前不受理(請於核銷後15天內繳交結案報告)。

4. 結案報告(需繳交電子檔):設備使用記錄、照片集錦、學生心得回饋。(格式請上高教深耕網站,文件下載區)

5. 所有教學研究設備之計畫(資本門)簽發核定單時皆須由院長簽名通過。

6. 請於開學後2週內提出請購單及執行簽,否則視同不執行。

7. 實際採購項目以採購組議價後內容為準。

8.  教學與研究設備應為本校或系所之財產,不得為個人之財產。

9. 銘傳大學教學與研究設備補助辦法請參考 : https://reurl.cc/Q43G5p


【Plan Description】:

Assist departments in purchasing professional equipment to enhance the foundation of teaching, combining curriculum equipment to provide students with practical field experience simulating workplace environments.

 1. Funding: The unit price of purchased items must be above 10,000 New Taiwan Dollars and have a durable lifespan of at least two years. This includes various instruments, machinery, information technology equipment (including computer facilities, network systems, peripheral devices, purchased licensed software, or application system development planning and design), as well as classified books in the library collection.

 2. Application Period: From now until November 15, 2024 (Friday) at 12:00 P.M.

 3.Closure Date: The verification process must be completed by August 31, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted (please submit the closure report within 15 days after verification).

 4.Closure Report (electronic file submission required): Equipment usage records, photo compilation, and student feedback. (Please refer to the format on the Higher Education Sprout Project website in the document download section).

 5.All plans for teaching and research equipment (capital expenditure) must be signed and approved by the Dean.

 6.Please submit the purchase requisition and execute the signature within two weeks after the start of the school; otherwise, it will be considered non-compliance.

 7.The actual purchase items are subject to negotiation by the procurement team.

 8.All equipment is the property of the department and is not for the exclusive use of an individual.

 9.For the regulations on equipment subsidies for Ming Chuan University's teaching and research, please refer to: https://reurl.cc/Q43G5p.

日期 Date: 
10/25/2024 to 11/15/2024
基本資料 Basic Information
若為行政單位,請補充處室組別。 If it is an admin unit, please specify the department or division.
114年08月31日前完成核銷 The verification process must be completed by August 31, 2025
請填寫協助執行/核銷窗口 Please fill out the assistance in execution/verification window.
實驗室資料 Laboratory Information
預計採購設備 Expected Equipment to Be Purchased
設備1 Equipment 1
請加總所提出全部設備的總金額 Please sum up the total amount for all proposed equipment.
請具體詳述足以證明學生之學習成效,如證照、專題、產學成果等。 Please provide specific details that demonstrate student learning outcomes, such as certifications, projects, industry achievements, etc.