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各位師長 您好:

高教深耕計畫開放申請「113年度證照獎勵計畫」懇請有意申請之師長參閱以下計畫說明後,於eform填寫申請資料。若師長對計畫申請內容、方式有任何疑問,懇請與高教深耕-久銘 聯繫(分機2543)。

(網址: https://eform.mcu.edu.tw/node/3799#)。




  1. 申請資格:凡本校學生於在學期間考取專業證照且申請時仍具本校學籍者(不包含陸生、海青班、博士生、在職專班),即符合本辦法之申請條件。
  2. 獎勵證照:獎勵證照類別,以政府機構舉辦之公務人員考試、專門職業及技術人員高等或普通考試、專業技術人員技師類證照考試、全國技術士技能檢定、相關專業職業類檢定考試或專業職業類機構(如學會、協會、公會及法人機構等)所舉辦之專業技能檢定,取得相關證照且該證照符合教育部「全國技專校院校務基本資料庫」採計,並經系所申請核准列入獎勵證照類(級)別表者(網址:https://tmap.mcu.edu.tw/),得申請獎勵。
  3. 獎勵次數:同一申請人之同一項證照以申請一次證照獎勵為限;同一證照已獲得本校其他獎補助者,不得再重覆提出申請。
  4. 獎勵限制:各學系訂定為畢業門檻之必要檢定證照,不列入獎勵範圍,惟該證照屬於國際性證照將專案審核。
  5. 獎勵金額:每一證照獎勵金額依課程地圖專業證照之一到三級考照費用八成為原則。其實際核給之金額、獲補助案件數及經費之增減,得視當年度經費總額與整體計畫發展,依實際情形調整之。
  6. 認列期間:本次獎勵認列期間自113年1月1日起,至113年10月31日止,非屬該認列期間內者不予受理。
  7. 申請資料:請將證照考取清冊、證照影本 PDF檔合併為1份檔案上傳,以作為審核資料。
  8. 申請期間:自即日起至113年10月23日(三)12:00止。
  9. 經費核銷:請於113年12月6日(五)前完成經費核銷。
  10. 結案報告:請於經費核銷後7天內將結案報告電子檔上傳至moodle高教深耕計畫專區,同時應將獲證資料上傳至校庫。結案報告須包含證照考取清冊、證照影本。格式詳參以下網址:


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Higher Education Sprout Project Application for the 113th Annual License Reward (Now until October 23)

Dear Faculty,

The Higher Education Sprout Project is now accepting applications for the "113th Annual License Reward Program." We kindly ask interested faculty to review the project details below and fill out the application form via eform. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact Jiu Ming from the Higher Education Sprout Project (ext. 2543).

(Website: https://eform.mcu.edu.tw/node/3799#)

Project Description:

★ This application form is limited to regular students of our university (with a maximum subsidy of 80%). If you qualify as an economically disadvantaged student (eligible for full subsidy), please refer to the following website or contact the Student Affairs Office’s Student Support Unit for assistance (ext. 2504/3904). (Website: https://sites.google.com/mail.mcu.edu.tw/award).

Eligibility: All students of our university who obtain professional licenses during their study period and still hold student status at the time of application (excluding students from mainland China, international students, doctoral students, and in-service classes) meet the eligibility criteria for this program.

Reward Licenses: The types of licenses eligible for rewards include those from government agency examinations, specialized professional and technical personnel examinations (both advanced and general), technician license examinations, national skill certification tests, and professional skill assessments conducted by relevant professional organizations (such as associations and corporate bodies). The licenses must be recognized by the Ministry of Education's "National Vocational and Technical College Basic Data Database" and approved by the respective departments to be listed in the reward license categories (Website: https://tmap.mcu.edu.tw/).

Limit on Number of Applications: Each applicant can only apply for one reward per license. If a license has already received other subsidies from our university, it cannot be applied for again.

Limitations on Rewards: Licenses that are required as graduation thresholds set by each department are not included in the reward scope. However, international licenses may be subject to special review.

Reward Amount: The amount for each license reward is based on 80% of the examination fees for professional licenses ranging from levels one to three, as per the course map. The actual awarded amount, number of subsidized cases, and funding may be adjusted based on the total funding available and overall project development for that year.

Recognition Period: The recognition period for this reward runs from January 1, 113, to October 31, 113. Applications outside this period will not be accepted.

Application Materials: Please upload a single PDF file that combines the license acquisition list and a copy of the license for review purposes.

Application Period: From now until October 23, 113 (Wednesday) at 12:00 PM.

Expense Reimbursement: Please complete the expense reimbursement process by December 6, 113 (Friday).

Final Report: Please upload the final report electronically to the Moodle Higher Education Sprout Project area within 7 days after completing the expense reimbursement, and also upload the license acquisition information to the university database. The final report must include the license acquisition list and a copy of the license. For format details, please refer to the following website:
★ This application form is limited to regular students of our university (with a maximum subsidy of 80%). If you qualify as an economically disadvantaged student (eligible for full subsidy), please refer to the following website or contact the Student Affairs Office’s Student Support Unit for assistance (ext. 2504/3904). (Website: https://sites.google.com/mail.mcu.edu.tw/award).

日期 Date: 
10/14/2024 to 10/23/2024
基本資料 Basic Information
證照資料 License Information
上傳檔案格式請參考http://www.tec.mcu.edu.tw/content/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89 (結案報告表-12-證照獎勵金)