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銘傳大學教師學術研究成果獎勵申請表Ming Chuan University Research / Study Reward Application Procedures for Faculty Members


1.Please print out and sign the application form. Then submit it for the Department chair’s and School dean's signatures, along with the offprints of papers, photocopy of the JCR Report(s), photocopy of number of paper citations, impact factor document or other relevant documents. Once signed, send it to the Human Resources Division, which will then submit it to the Faculty Review and Evaluation Committee for review.

2.申請表填送說明請參考: 。 

2.For application form instructions, please refer to: 



承辦人:張曉韻 分機2258
Contact person: Ms. Chang, Hsiao-Yun, ext. 2258

日期 Date: 
10/01/2024 to 10/31/2024