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高教深耕計畫將於113年10月25日(台北校區),舉辦 「國科會大專學生專題研究計畫指導說明會」,說明計畫申請流程及相關問題解答,並邀請優秀教師蒞臨分享指導經驗,誠摯邀請同學踴躍參與!













Higher Education Sprout Project Office would like to express our appreciation for your support and assistance. The 2024 NSTC Research Projects for College Students Workshops will be held on  October 25, 2024 (Taipei campus)to explain the project application procedures and answer relevant questions. Moreover, outstanding advising professors have been invited to share their experiences. Students are sincerely invited to participate in the workshop! We would like to ask faculty and secretaries to assist in conveying this information to students. Thank you for your assistance.




1.     Students who have want applied for the 2024 NSTC Research Projects for College Students and interested 3rd-year students are welcome to participate.

2.     Time: October 25, 2024 (Friday) 12:00-14:00

3.     Venue: Taipei Campus Sun Yat Sen Auditorium .

4.     Please register by filling out the eForm. Information must be completed and correct or the application will not be accepted.

5.     Registration date and time: From 10:00 AM on September 23 (Monday), 2024 until all vacancies are filled.

6.     Snack boxes will be prepared on the workshop days. Those who have not registered for the activity will not be provided snack box.

7.     If you want to apply for public leave, please check the box in the eForm electronic form. The list of public leave will be based on the ones filled in the eForm electronic form.

8.     For any questions, please contact Ms. Kuo, Yen-Chieh in Higher Education Sprout Project Office (A301, Taipei campus) at Ext.: 2540, E-mail: .


日期 Date: 
09/23/2024 to 10/18/2024