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【研究發展處】113學年度「銘傳大學獎勵教師指導學生參與競賽申請表」2024-25AY"MCU Application Form for Faculty Members to Advise Students in Competitions"



3.敬請申請人務必列印出書面申請表簽名確認,併同獎狀、競賽辦法、指導老師證明、國際性和全國性競賽規模符合「銘傳大學獎勵教師指導學生參與競賽辦法 」競賽定義之證明文件乙份、送請系所主任及院長簽名後,再送研發處彙整召開審查委員會審議。。


1.Academic year 2024-25 "Encouraging Faculty Members to Advise Students in Competitions" is open for applications (for competition achievements in 2023-24AY) in accordance with "Ming Chuan University Procedures for Encouraging Faculty Members to Advise Students in Competitions."

2.The period for rewarding faculty members for guiding students to participate in competitions is from August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024.

3.Applicants are kindly requested to print out the written application form and sign it for confirmation; please also include the certificate, competition rules, proof of guidance from the faculty member, and Proof that the scale of the international and national competitions meets the definition of the competition in the "Ming Chuan University Procedures for Encouraging Faculty Members to Advise Students in Competitions ", then submit them to the Chair of the Department and the Dean for their signatures. Afterward, the application materials should be submitted to the Research and Development Office for compilation and convening of a Review Committee meeting.

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研發處 敬啟113.08.19

承辦人:吳惠真 分機2653

Best regards,

Research and Development Division

Wu, Hui-Chen (Ext.2653)

日期 Date: 
08/19/2024 to 09/30/2024