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【高教深耕計畫】113年度計畫申請-證照獎勵(即日起至4/19截止) 【Higher Education Sprout Project】 113th Annual Program Application-Certificate Incentive (From now until April 19)



各位師長 您好:




若對計畫申請方式或計畫內容有疑問,懇請各位師長與高教深耕 久銘聯繫(分機2543)。











3.申請資料:請上傳證照考取清冊、證照影本 PDF檔作為審核資料。










(註:1.公文檢附學生名單及經費使用明細需區分一般生及經文不利生,並註明經文不利生將以附錄一支應 2.若是經文不利生申請,學生須完成兩面向,教育部規定不可僅申請單一獎學金


3.公文需附上經文不利生要點  4.經文不利生的人事核銷,案名:教部完善就學機制計畫、用途:其他-獎助學金、所得種類:92其他所得,核銷時需附上經文不利生申請表(詳見深耕網頁)及證照影本。)




其餘 一般生獎助核銷憑證與證明文件則送至深耕辦公室-久銘。


【Higher Education Sprout Project】 113th Annual Program Application-Certificate Incentive (From now until April 19)
Hello, teachers and faculty:
The Higher Education Sprout Project  will open the application for the "113th Annual License Incentive Program". Please read the following application instructions and go to the eform system to fill out the application.
The Office of Higher Education Programs will compile and review each unit's application information and send the application form back to each unit for confirmation.
If you have any questions about the application process or the content of the program, please contact Jiu-Ming (ext. 2543).
Program Description:
To encourage students to obtain professional licenses (level 1-4) recognized by the department (institute) and approved by the departmental council and listed on https://tmap.mcu.edu.tw/.
1. Funding: The principle of the incentive grant is not to exceed 80% of the cost of the examination. The actual amount of the grant and the increase or decrease of the number of incentives will be determined by the total amount of funds and the actual situation of the current year.
2. Eligibility
(1) Students who have obtained a professional license during their studies and are still enrolled in the university at the time of application (excluding students from mainland China, Hai-Ying classes, doctoral students, and on-the-job classes) are eligible to apply for this program.
(2) The same applicant can only apply for one license award for the same license; those who have already received other awards from the University for the same license are not allowed to reapply.
(3) The necessary certification of each department as the threshold for graduation will not be included in the scope of the award, but the license is an international license and will be examined on an ad hoc basis.
(4) The awarding of licenses will be based on the licenses obtained in 113. In order to take into account those students who were not able to obtain their licenses by the end of 112, the awarding of licenses will be based on the period from October 1, 112 to April 31, 113, for those students who have actually obtained their licenses and have uploaded their data to the university database, and will not be accepted for those who have not obtained their licenses in the same period.
3. Application information: Please upload the license examination inventory, a copy of the license PDF file as the review information.
4. Application period: From now until April 19, 113 (Fri) 15:00 hours.
5. Closing time: October 31, 113 (Thu) before the completion of the write-off. (Please submit the closure report within 10 days after the write-off).
6. Closing report (electronic file must be submitted to moodle Higher Education Program area): must include the license inventory, a copy of the license, please refer to https://tec.mcu.edu.tw/content/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89 for the format.
日期 Date: 
04/01/2024 to 04/19/2024