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1.申請期間:即日起至○年○月○日()16:00 止。 





【Higher Education Enhancement Program】113th Program Application - Department Features


Dear faculty members:


The Higher Education Enhancement Program is now open for applications for the "113th Department Features Program." We kindly ask all faculty members to carefully read the following application instructions and fill out the application on the eform system. The Higher Education Enhancement Program Office will consolidate and review the application materials from each unit and send the application forms back to each unit for confirmation. If you have any questions about the application process or the content of the program, please contact Ms. Kuo Yen-chieh (extension 2541).


【Program Description】:

Hire external experts and scholars to conduct evaluations on the department's structure, curriculum design, teaching faculty, and implementation effectiveness, and provide suggestions as references for the department's self-improvement. The goals of reviewing and redesigning the department's structure, curriculum, and teaching include:

1.Aligning with the national talent needs, such as information and communication technology, STEAM, artificial intelligence, bilingual education, interdisciplinary studies, and SDGs sustainable development.

2.Developing the uniqueness of the college and department, strengthening professional cultivation, interdisciplinary learning, and student self-directed learning. Through differentiated and distinctive curriculum offerings, enhancing teaching innovation and practical education to respond to environmental changes, challenges, and overcome enrollment difficulties.


The implementation plan of this program includes:

1.Structural planning: including redesigning the curriculum structure and reconstructing module frameworks.

2.Curriculum planning: adjusting the content of the curriculum, revising course outlines, teaching effectiveness, teaching objectives, alignment with departmental educational goals, core competencies, unified course content, teaching methods, assessment tools, and grading.

3.Evaluation planning: conducting evaluations on course objectives and category objectives for subsequent effectiveness evaluation and review.

4.Expert consultation: inviting experts with expertise in the department's structure, curriculum content, and evaluation to provide recommendations for more comprehensive planning and streamlined implementation.

5.Career course mapping redesign: adjusting the career course mapping for students' future employment based on changes in curriculum structure, modules, and content, providing guidance for students' career planning and course selection.


【Budget Explanation】:

1.Consultation fee: (limited to external experts, different from the pre-review date, and must include review opinions)6,000 per session).

2.Transportation and accommodation expenses: lunch fee of 4,000.

3.Miscellaneous expenses: stationery, miscellaneous expenses required for meetings (excluding souvenirs and gifts), with a maximum limit of $4,000.

4.Hourly pay:2,000/person for external industry speakers, with a maximum limit of $6,000.

5.Research and analysis fee: 6,000.


【Schedule Explanation】:

Application period: From now until [Date, Month, Year] (16:00).

Closing time: Complete the verification by October 31st, 113th year (Thursday). (Please submit the closing report electronically to the Moodle Higher Education Enhancement Program section within 10 days after verification). The format of the closing report can be found at



日期 Date: 
09/25/2023 to 10/23/2023