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【Higher Education Enhancement Project】113 Project Application - Certification Course


Dear teachers,


Greetings! The Higher Education Enhancement Project is now accepting applications for the "113 Certification Course Project." Please carefully read the following application instructions and submit your application through the eform system. The Higher Education Enhancement Project Office will review and compile the application materials from each department and return the application forms for final confirmation.

If you have any questions regarding the application process or project content, please contact Ms. Guo Yanjie at extension 2541.


【Project Description】:

To encourage departments to offer advanced professional certification courses, in addition to core certifications, we aim to increase the number of professional certification classes and encourage students to obtain advanced certifications to enhance their employability.


1.Course Regulations:

(1) The course should not be merged with regular courses and should be open to all students.

(2) The course schedule should be based on students' spare time (weekday afternoons, evenings, or weekends).

(3) Students participating in the course will not receive academic credits.

2.Funding: Hourly rate (up to NT1,000 per hour for internal teachers).

3.Application period: From 9/25(Monday) 9:00 until 10/23(Monday) at 14:00.

4.Project completion deadline: By October 31, 113 (Thursday). (Please submit the closure report within 10 days after the project ends and complete the verification process within 15 days.)

*To encourage students to obtain certifications, please use the certification pass rate as a measure of student learning outcomes when submitting the closure report.

5.Closure report (Submit an electronic file to the Moodle Higher Education Enhancement Project section): Include information about the course instructors, course content and handouts, student attendance list, certification pass list, photo collection, satisfaction surveys, and student feedback. Please refer to the format at https://tec.mcu.edu.tw/content/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89.

Please follow the "Ming Chuan University Implementation Regulations for Certification Courses" (https://reurl.cc/Y885Wa) for relevant application instructions, course regulations, evaluation methods, and other important information.

日期 Date: 
09/25/2023 to 10/23/2023