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Higher Education Enhancement Project: Application for 113th Year Digital Teaching Materials Production


Dear teachers,


The Higher Education Enhancement Project is now accepting applications for the "113th Year Digital Teaching Materials Production." Please read the following application instructions carefully and fill out the application form in the eform system.

The Higher Education Enhancement Project Office will review and compile all unit application materials and send them back to each unit for confirmation.

If you have any questions or concerns about the application process or project content, please contact Ms.Kuo Yen-chieh  at extension 2541.


Project Description:

In response to the impact of the epidemic, online teaching has gradually gained attention. However, the recording of online teaching materials can allow students to maintain their learning rights without being affected by their environment. We welcome all units of colleges and departments to apply.


1.Funding: A teaching material production fee of NT$18,000 per credit will be provided.

2.Application period: From 9/25(Monday) 9:00 until 10/23(Monday) at 14:00.

3.Project completion: Please submit the closure report before October 31st, 2024. No submissions will be accepted after this date.

4.Closure Report (Electronic submission to the Moodle Higher Education Enhancement Project section): Please refer to the format at link.

5.Copyright regulations and related notes:

(1) We recommend that teachers use self-made teaching materials for course recording. If other teaching materials are used, please comply with relevant copyright laws and regulations.

(Copyright Act:

(2) The source of digital teaching material content elements can include the original creations of the teaching material producers, the use of other people's works that are not protected by copyright, and the reasonable use of other people's works (Copyright Act Articles 44-65).

(3) School teachers may reproduce the works of others for teaching needs (in accordance with Article 46 of the Copyright Act).

(4) For necessary teaching purposes, others' works can be quoted (in accordance with Article 52 of the Copyright Act). When quoting others' works, the source must be indicated, and permission from the author must be obtained. Additionally, no more than one-third of the content of the work should be quoted.

(5) If it is necessary to use briefing materials provided by publishers as teaching materials, permission must be obtained from the publisher before recording (in accordance with Article 56 of the Copyright Act).

(6) Use of copyright-free images and music is required.


【Project Content and Specifications】:


1.Redesign important foundational courses and record digital teaching materials through platforms or software such as Teams.

2.All materials must be newly recorded and cannot be replaced by previously recorded videos.

3.The recorded content should be relevant to the course, and the recording and editing methods can be determined by the individual.

4.For a semester-long course of 18 weeks, at least 16 weeks of videos need to be recorded.

5.Provide the course name, course outline, and course content design for the recorded courses.

6.Divide the videos into segments based on class periods, with each segment being at least 45 minutes long. For example, for a 3-credit course, it is necessary to record videos for 48 class periods.

7.Use self-made teaching materials for recording the course videos.

8.Sign and submit a hard copy of the "Creative Commons License Agreement."

9.Pay attention to the audio, video, sound, and visual effects during the video recording.

10.This project does not provide any work-study fees, so teachers are responsible for their own recording.

11.Provide the teaching materials and recorded videos for the course to the Higher Education Enhancement Project Office upon completion.


【Closure Report and File Submission】:


1.Closure Report (Submit an electronic file to the Moodle Higher Education Enhancement Project section): Include the content of each class period, video descriptions, video lengths, and class dates.

Please refer to the format at

2.Submit a hard copy of the Creative Commons License Agreement (available in the Higher Education Enhancement Project document download area).

3.Submit the recorded videos and teaching materials to the Higher Education Enhancement Project Office, which can be done through CD, USB, or other means.


日期 Date: 
09/25/2023 to 10/23/2023