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Higher Education Deepening Project] 113th Year Project Application - Core Course After-School Tutoring


Dear faculty members,




The Higher Education Deepening Project is now accepting applications for the "113th Year Core Course After-School Tutoring Project." We kindly ask all faculty members to carefully read the following project application instructions and proceed to fill out the application on the eform system. The Office of the Higher Education Deepening Project will compile and review the application materials from each department and subsequently return the application forms to the respective departments for confirmation.

If you have any questions regarding the application process or project details, please contact Ms. Kuo Yen-chieh  at extension 2541.


Project Description:

The aim of this project is to assist students who are not achieving satisfactory learning outcomes in core courses, in order to establish a solid foundation for their advanced course studies.


1.Funding: The hourly wage for instructors is set at NT$1,000 per hour for on-campus teachers.

2.Application Period: From now until [Date, Month, Year] at 16:00.

3.Application Instructions:

(1).This application is for the 113th academic year, both the first and second semesters.

(2).Priority will be given to required courses.

4.Course Guidelines:

(1)Limited to undergraduate courses.

(2)Each class should have no fewer than 15 students.

(3)Teaching assistants are not allowed to conduct the classes.

(40Tutoring should take place during students' free time.

(5)The maximum teaching hours per course is 20 hours.

5.Project Completion Report (electronic file to be submitted to the Moodle Higher Education Deepening Project section): Please submit the student tutoring list and attendance records within 10 days after the course ends. Refer to the format at

日期 Date: 
09/25/2023 to 10/23/2023