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【高教深耕計畫】113計畫申請-28-產學合作連結 【Higher Education Sprout Project Office】2024 Annual Program Application - Industry-University Cooperation Link

【高教深耕計畫】113年度計畫申請 - 產學合作連結

【Higher Education sprout project office】2024 Annual Program Application - Industry-University Cooperation Link




 若對計畫申請方式或計畫內容有疑問,還請各位師長與我們聯繫(瑄儀助理 分機2545)。

Hello Teachers,

Higher Education Deepening Program will open for application for the "2024 Industry-University Cooperation Link Program" Teachers should read the following application instructions and fill in the application in the eForm system. The Office of Higher Education Intensive Cultivation Program will compile and review the application materials of each unit, and finally send the application form back to each unit for confirmation.

If you have any questions about the application method or content of the plan, please also contact us (Xuanyi Assistant Extension 2545) Program description:




The Independent Program C-Industry-University Collaboration Link Program is divided into the following strategies:





C-1 Advance Internship System

  • 職涯輔導鏈結產業
  • 完備校外實習機制
  • 媒合智慧企業實習


Integrate alumni resources, improve alumni database, and provide channels for student enterprise visits and internships; Promote the whole process of practical topics, at the same time complete off-campus internships, continue to develop long-term strategic alliances with enterprises, and actively expand alliances with domestic and foreign enterprises, provide students with visits, internships and internship venues, so that students can learn the basic functions such as innovative thinking and problem solving required for workplace employment, and cultivate employment competitiveness


C-2 Innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem

  • 完備校內實作場域
  • 推動教師產業研發
  • 推動跨境產學合作
  • AI人才賦能與結合


Integrate the professional resources and incubation centers of various faculties and departments of the university, and set up the "Ming Chuan University Campus Co-creation Base" to encourage all departments to integrate core technologies and products, and introduce external experts and practitioners to provide practice-oriented entrepreneurship training and consulting assistance through practical methods such as entrepreneurship courses, entrepreneurship lectures, entrepreneurship experience camps, and campus entrepreneurship competitions, so as to cultivate talents with creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial ability.


C-3 Strengthen industry-academia bonding

  • 創意點子工廠發想
  • 創新創業孵化輔導
  • 建置智慧媒合平臺


In line with the government's various innovative industry policies, it will promote the core (5+2) industry talent cultivation plan, consolidate and gather the teaching professions in the school, and encourage all faculties and departments to hold core industry workshops to help teachers and students receive new knowledge of the industry, strengthen their integration with the industry, and cultivate the country's future key talents.





2.申請期間:即日起至112年10月23日(一)下午14:00 止。



1. Funds: Please fill in the business expenses and capital separately, and the application for each fund should be compiled according to the main points of the "Benchmark Table of Higher Education Cultivation Program of Ming Chuan University (https://reurl.cc/r68vek)", and if you have special needs, please submit them in the application materials.

2. Application period: From now until 14:00 noon on Friday, October 23, 2023.

3. Closing time: Completion of the write-off before October 31, 2024 , unless this date is not accepted (please submit the closing report within 15 days after the write-off)

4. Closing report (electronic documents are required).


日期 Date: 
09/12/2023 to 10/23/2023