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【高教深耕計畫】113年學生專題結合產業 【Higher Education Sprout Project Office】2024 Project to Encourage Student Research Connected with Industry


l  宗旨



l  說明

   申請時間 :  即日起至1121023()下午14:00

   申請對象 :  全體大二~大四學生(本計畫與國科會大專生計畫請擇一申請)



   經費補助對象 : 指導教授及學生,實際核給之金額、獲補助案件數及經費之增減,得視當年度經費總額與整體計畫發展調整之,為了增加每位老師之參與度與集中度,一位老師最多以2組為上限



(1) 書面報告:請寄送至高教深耕辦公室(台北校區)徐瑄儀老師收。

(2) 電子檔(WORD/PDF):檔名請命名為113_專題結合產業結案報告_組長姓名,例如:113_專題結合產業結案報告_張小明。上傳至銘傳大學moodle平台-C-學生專題研究創新計劃(專題結合產業)






如有任何問題請聯繫:徐瑄儀老師 #2545 luluhsu@mail.mcu.edu.tw

【個資宣告】此資料之蒐集僅限於辦理入台許可證或執行業務及法令需求等目的使用,非經當事人同意,絕不轉做其他用途,亦不會公佈任何資訊,並遵循本校資料保存與安全控管辦理。(詳細個資管理可參閱「銘傳大學個人資料保護管理要點」與「銘傳大學個人資料保護專區」http://pims.mcu.edu.tw )




To encourage projects that meet the needs of industries, students’ research topics in special project research courses for graduating students can be integrated with the needs of industry or areas of expertise of companies. Through industry-university exchanges, professional knowledge can be provided to industries that are in the process of change and upgrading to achieve the goal of the industrialization of knowledge. In addition, academic research results can be applied to patents as to establish specific intellectual property value. In the future, the research results can be transferred to industry in the form of technical rights or technical guidance; and applied in industrial development to solve the problems of enterprises to concretely demonstrate the knowledge value and innovation achievements of the university.


Application information

Application time: Now through October 23 (Monday), 2023

Eligible applicants: 2nd - 4th year undergraduate students

Project implementation period: October 2023 to December 2024

Subsidies: As this plan is a main promotion project of the current Higher Education Sprout Project, the amount of subsidy funds and number of projects will be flexibly adjusted according to the number of applications received.

Project report submission: Report should include cover page, profile information of the collaborating manufacturer (enterprise), the manufacturer's certificate of collaboration, project report, the teacher and students’ industry collaboration satisfaction questionnaire, students’ feedback and 2 photos. The deadline for submission is December 20, 2024.

Submission methods: The reports must be submitted in both of the following formats.

 (1) Printed report: Please submit to Ms.Hsu, Hsuan-Yi in Higher Education Sprout Project Office (Taipei campus).


 (2) Electronic report file (Word/ PDF): File name: 2024_ Report for Project to Encourage Student Research Connected with Industry _ Group Leader’s Name; for example: 2024_Report for Project to Encourage Student Research Connected with Industry _Chang ShiaoMing. Subject line of the email: "Project to Encourage Student Research Connected with Industry" report, send to luluhsu@mail.mcu.edu.tw.


Relevant file downloads: Higher Education Sprout Project Office Website _File Download _ Project to Encourage Student Research Connected with Industry at https://reurl.cc/aGZzx7 (all files are in Chinese only)

For any questions, please contact: Ms. Hsu, Hsuan-Yi, at #2545 luluhsu@mail.mcu.edu.tw

日期 Date: 
09/12/2023 to 10/23/2023