* 個資使用聲明:本平台個人資訊僅供承辦單位使用。

Informed consent

Friday, September 1, 2023 to Saturday, September 30, 2023


Dear All,

First of all, we welcome you to join Ming Chuan University.

This following assessment is called “Attentive Inventory of Mental Health”

offeringa better understanding of your mental health status,which provide

a great chance to see how well you adapt your daily life.

The results will also give the counseling center a picture of your emotional condition to

provide you with support and assistance through this process.

The results from the assessment will remain confidential, only will be accessed by the mental

health professionals (therapists) from Ming Chuan Counseling Center if needed, and should not be disclosed to any other party.

Therefore, please let us know your willingness to disclose this assessment result to your class advisor.


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The information collected on this form is only used in the range and region required for the purposes of conducting accounting and relevant affairs, voucher management, assistance with government units’ investigation, implementation and legal requirements ; the period of keeping the information on file is based upon the activity. You will have rights in accordance with Item 5, Article 3 of Personal Information Protection Act. Please refer to MCU Guidelines for Personal Information Protection Management and MCU Personal Information Management System at URL (http://pims.mcu.edu.tw) for further understanding of MCU personal information management policy, regulations and contact information.

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