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【教學暨學習資源中心】112年10月18日「ChatGPT融入教學:AI技術如何助力於教與學?」Teams線上同步教師教學研習 Synchronous Online Teaching Orientation Speech on October 18

  教資中心擬辦理「線上同步教師教學知能研習」活動,邀請 淡江大學 資訊管理學系,鄭培宇 助理教授,就「ChatGPT融入教學:AI技術如何助力於教與學?」主題發表演說,活動訊息如下:


講師:淡江大學 資訊管理學系,鄭培宇 助理教授

日期:112 年 10 月 18 日(星期三)

時間:中午 12:10 至 下午 1:40

  本活動採 Teams 線上同步直播方式進行,方便師長使用個人電腦、手機、平板參與交流活動。若師長有收播意願,請於112 年 10 月 10 日(星期二)前報名,謝謝!


教資中心 芯語 敬上 (#3659)




Dear colleagues,

The Teaching and Learning Resources Center at MCU has invited Dr. Yu-Pei Zheng of Tamkang University to present a speech about ChatGPT in Education: How AI technology helps in teaching and learning? from 12:10 to 13:40, October 18, 2023 (Wednesday).

You can login your Teams account (ms + Faculty ID) by your PC, cell phone, or tablet and watching the presentation online.

Though the presentation will be in Chinese, we still would like to encourage you to participate.

Interested individuals, please register online at this webpage before October 10, 2023(Tuesday).
Best regards,
Teaching and Learning Resources Center

日期 Date: 
09/04/2023 to 10/18/2023