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【教資中心、應英系與師培中心合作辦理】112年8月21日「全英文教學創新工作坊」Teams線上同步教師教學研習 All-English online innovation teaching workshop on August 21

Dear Faculty Members:

The Teaching and Learning Resources Center, in collaboration with the Teacher Education Center and the Department of Applied English, is excited to host an all-English online innovation teaching workshop. This event is scheduled for 10:00 am on August 21.

We are privileged to have three professors join us to share their expertise in technology application techniques.


(1) Professor Hui-Wen Tang / Topic: Online Tools for Formative Assessment

(2) Dr. Jason Slimon/ Topic: Using Voice Control with ChatGPT in Conversation-Oriented Classes

(3) Dr. Pey-Chewn Duo/ Topic: Blending Play with Productivity: Meet Blooket.


Registration Website: TEAMS Link:

You can login your Teams account (ms + Faculty ID) by your PC, cell phone, or tablet and watching the presentation online.

Interested individuals, please register online at this webpage before August 17, 2023 (Thursday).

If there are any questions, please inquire the Teaching and Learning Resources Center Ms. Wang, Hsin-Yu (extension 3659)

Best Regards,

Teaching and Learning Resources Center

August 8, 2023


  教學暨學習資源中心與應英系及師資培育中心合作,將於8/21 (10:00 AM)舉辦一場全英文的線上教學創新工作坊,將邀請三位老師分享科技應用的技巧。

  1. 唐蕙文院長(Prof. Hui-Wen Tang),主題:Online Tools for Formative Assessment
  2. 林頡聲老師(Dr. Jason Slimon),主題:Using Voice Control with ChatGPT in Conversation-Oriented Classes
  3. 杜佩純老師(Dr. Pey-Chewn Duo),主題:Blending Play with Productivity: Meet Blooket



本活動全程使用英語進行,採 Teams 線上會議室功能辦理工作坊,請師長於112 年8 月17日(星期四)前報名,謝謝!





教資中心 敬啟





日期 Date: 
08/08/2023 to 08/21/2023