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各位師長 您好:

Dear faculty members:





The Higher Education Sprout Project Office is soon opening the 2022-23 Enhancing Global Mobility Project for applications. All faculty members are asked to read the following description carefully then submit their application information through eForm.

The Office will collate and review all application information from each unit, then will send the list of applications to each unit’s responsible staff for rechecking. For any questions about the project or application process, kindly contact us (Zhang, Jia-Ren, Project Assistant, Higher Education Sprout Project, Ext. 2543).


【計畫說明 Project Description】:


Independent Plan A- Strategies for Enhancing Global Mobility Project:



1. 經費:各經費之申請,請依循「銘傳大學高教深耕計畫經費編列基準表(」要點進行編列,如有特殊需求請另於申請資料中提出。

1. Project Budget: Funds should be applied for according to Ming Chuan University Standard of Higher Education Sprout Project Budget Drafting ( Other special case requests must be submitted separately as part of application information.

2. 申請期間:即日起至112年3月3日(五)17:00止。

2. Application Period: From now through March 3, 2023 (Friday), 17:00.

3. 結案時間:112年10月31日(一)前核銷完成,非此日期之前不受理。(請於活動結束後15天內完成核銷,30天內繳交結案報告)

3. Processing Deadline: All applications must complete related verification disbursement affairs before October 31, 2023 (Monday). No delayed verifications will be accepted by the responsible office. (Please complete all disbursement verification affairs within 15 days after the activity ends; the final report must be submitted within 30 days after the activity ends.)

4. 結案報告(需繳交電子檔):講座相關資訊、國際學者資料、講座講義、照片集錦及學生心得回饋。

4. Final report (must be submitted as soft copy): The content of the report should include relevant information on courses or lectures, information on the international scholar, notes of the courses or lectures, activity photo collection and students’ reflections.


日期 Date: 
04/25/2023 to 05/21/2023