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【TLRC】Invitation to Teaching Enrichment Speech on May 19, 2023 (Title: 2021-22 AY "Teaching Practice Research Program" Experience Sharing and Operation of Application System)【全英語演說】110學年教學實踐研究計畫執行經驗分享和申請網站操作說明 Teams線上研習

Dear colleagues,
The Teaching and Learning Resources Center at MCU has invited teachers who joined 2021-22 AY "Teaching Practice Research Program" Experience Sharing and Operation of Application System instructions to present a speech from 12:10 to 13:40, May 19, 2023 (Friday).

【Full English Speaking】 Teaching Orientation Speech

 Topic: 2021-22 AY "Teaching Practice Research Program" Experience Sharing and Operation of Application System.
 Date & Time: May 19, 2023 (Friday), 12:10 pm - 1:40 pm

 1. Yvonne Di Giusto, Lecturer, English Language Center, Ming Chuan University.
   Cheng-Fang Huang, Assistant Professor, English Language Center, Ming Chuan University.

 2. Yi-Fan Liao, Clerkof Ming Chuan University.
Type: TLRC Faculty Seminar held synchronously online through Microsoft Teams.

You can login your Teams account (ms + Faculty ID) by your PC, cell phone, or tablet and watching the presentation online.
Interested individuals, please register online at this webpage before May 11, 2023 (Thursday).

 Best regards,
Teaching and Learning Resources Center



日期:112年 5 月19 日(星期五)
時間:中午 12:10 至 下午 1:40
講師:英語中心 胡佳玲老師、黃正芳老師
講師:教務處 廖翊帆

 本活動全程使用英語進行,採 Teams 線上會議室功能辦理計畫成果分享,請師長於112 年5 月11 日(星期四)前報名,謝謝!

敬祝  教安

教資中心 國容敬上
kjchin@mail.mcu.edu.tw (#3659)

日期 Date: 
03/27/2023 to 05/15/2023