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Submissions for this form are closed.

* 個資使用聲明:本平台個人資訊僅供承辦單位使用。





  1. 具本校學籍且已參加非營利性質機構所主辦志工服務之學生。
  2. 凡有關教育、社區、環境、文化、健康及科技等六大面向或與國內、外非營利組織共同合作之志工服務活動皆可。
  3. 申請者不得重覆申請校內其它有關國際/校外志工服務之獎勵。
  4. 已申報服務學習時數者不予獎勵。
  5. 申請者於同機構且同性質志工內容不得重覆申請。






  1. 需至銘傳eForm平台 填寫申請資料。
  2. 至銘傳高教深耕計畫網站 → 文件下載 → 各計畫結案報告表→ 下載檔案「08-校外志工服務獎勵」,請以打字方式填寫獎勵申請表並以 email方式寄至高教深耕計畫辦公室張聖德老師信箱(。
  3. 申請表繳交前,請確實確認填寫內容的正確性與完整性,資料不全將不予受理。
  4. .以上兩項資料填寫完成,即完成志工獎勵計畫申請。



  1. 審核以申請表做為評分依據,由高教深耕委員會審核之。
  2. 申請表審核結果將以email方式通知獲獎學生。



  1. 國內志工獎勵金以3,000元為上限。
  2. 國外志工獎勵金以15,000元為上限。
  3. 實際核發金額依年度預算與申請件數彈性調整。
  4. 相關辦法請參閱銘傳大學志工服務獎勵辦法, (link is external)


申請結果將以 E-mail方式通知,請務必留意信箱郵件


Higher Education Sprout Project Office Announcement

Application for 2022-23 AY 2nd Project to Encourage Off-campus Volunteers


Dear faculty members and secretaries:

In order to encourage students to participate in domestic and overseas volunteer service activities, improve the efficiency of public affairs, enhance social welfare, and cultivate students' civic responsibility, the Higher Education Sprout Project Office is accepting applications for volunteer awards to reward students who participate in volunteer services.

The application qualifications are:

  1. Students who have study status at MCU and have participated in volunteer services sponsored by non-profit organizations.
  2. All volunteer service activities related to the six major aspects of education, community, environment, culture, health and technology or in cooperation with domestic and overseas non-profit organizations qualify.
  3. Applicants are not allowed to replicate applications for other on-campus international/off-campus volunteer service awards.
  4. Those who have declared service learning hours will not be rewarded.
  5. Applicants who volunteered with the same organization doing the same type of volunteer tasks cannot reapply.

Application period:

From now until 17:00 on October 21, 2022 (Friday).

Application method:

  1. Please fill in the application form at Ming Chuan eForm platform
  2. Please visit the website of Higher Education Sprout Project [in Chinese only]. Once you have downloaded the file "08-Off-campus Volunteer Service Award", please complete it by typing information into the award application form, then email to Ms. Sheng-Te Chang ( in the Higher Education Sprout Project Office.
  3. Before submitting the application form, please confirm the correctness and completeness of the information. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
  4. After completing information in the above two forms, the application for the Volunteer Reward is completed.

Review method:

  1. The review is based on the application form, which will be reviewed by the Higher Education Sprout Project Committee.
  2. Students to be rewarded will be notified of the results of the application review by email.

Award standards and procedures:

  1. The maximum award for domestic volunteers is NTD 3,000.
  2. The maximum award for overseas volunteers is NTD 15,000.
  3. The actual amount issued is flexibly adjusted in accordance with the annual budget and the number of applications.
  4. For further details, please refer to Ming Chuan University Procedures for Encouraging Volunteer Service.

Results of the application will be notified by email, please pay attention to your email inbox.

All faculty members and secretaries are asked to please assist in distributing this announcement. Thanks for your help.

Responsible staff member: Sheng-Te Chang (EXT. 2543)


日期 Date: 
09/30/2022 to 10/21/2022