* 個資使用聲明:本平台個人資訊僅供承辦單位使用。

銘傳大學桃園校區113-1學生宿舍登記Students dormitory beds of 2024-25AY 1st Semester in Taoyuan Campus


Alternate registration period: from April 30 AM 09:00, 2024 to the end of semester 113-1 .


Applicable objects: Students who are willing to live in the dormitory.


(一) 候補以電子郵件通知,請正確填寫電子郵件及留意收件。

(二) 優先順序:新生備取通知後,再依據候補登記順序逐一通知。

Alternate notice:

1.Information about dormitory registration will be notified by E-Mail.

2.Priority: After the standby notification, the notification will be notified one by one according to the order of waiting list.





  (四)   完成填寫送出後,所填資料系統會自動回復到您的信箱(找不到的或許在垃圾信件裡)。

  (五)   有任何問題,請優先以信箱洽詢,才是最有效經濟快速的方式。


Please note:

1.For vacant beds, after the students who have won the lottery give up or retire from school and dormitory. It will take a long time to wait. If you cannot wait, it is not recommended to wait.

2.Students who make up after notification can stay in the room until the end of the second semester of the 113 academic year.

3.On-campus and off-campus dormitory students cannot fill in the waiting list. If you want to transfer housing, you need to apply for a student report. You cannot transfer housing by waiting list.

4.After completing the filling and sending, the system will automatically reply to your mailbox with the filled in information (if you can't find it, it may be in the junk mail).

5.If you have any questions, please contact us by email first. This is the most effective, economical and fastest way.

 Email: bentu@mail.mcu.edu.tw (Inquiries via email are preferred)

學務組承辦人員 杜輝源

Student Affairs Section Responsible Staff: Tu, Hui-Yuan



Contact Number: 03-3507001 ext.3116

*本表單蒐集之個人資料,僅限於活動辦理與聯繫使用目的存續期間所需之必要範圍與地區內,供業務相關人員處理及利用。您將享有個資法第3條規定的五項權利,並可至「銘傳大學個人資料保護專區」(http://pims.mcu.edu.tw)進一步瞭解本校的個資管理政策、法規與個資連絡窗口。The information collected on this form is only used in the range and region required for the purposes of holding [activity]; the period of keeping the information on file is based upon the activity. You will have rights in accordance with Item 5, Article 3 of Personal Information Protection Act. Please refer to MCU Guidelines for Personal Information Protection Management and MCU Personal Information Management System at URL http://pims.mcu.edu.tw) for further understanding of MCU personal information management policy, regulations and contact information.

日期 Date: 
04/30/2024 to 01/30/2025
志願宿舍順序Dormitory volunteer order
男一舍 Men's Dormitory 女二舍 2nd Women's Dormitory女三舍 3rd Women's Dormitory 國際學舍 International Dormitory 台信男舍Taihsin Men's Dormitory 台信女舍Taihsin Women's Dormitory 德明男舍Deming Men's Dormitory德明女舍Deming Women's Dormitory 或者無指定宿舍,與承辦單位詢問後決定