
Submissions for this form are closed.

* 個資使用聲明:本平台個人資訊僅供承辦單位使用。



Dear colleagues:


  1. 活動地點:桃園校區M104教室(9:00~13:00)
  2. 報名方式:即日起至額滿為止(兩校區共50名)。
  3. 請於109年7月2日(四) 前至eForm報名系統完成填表,報名時無須登入系統,請逐一填寫報名欄位,並務必完成報名網頁末端視窗二組驗證碼(不分大小寫)之輸入後送出,即完成報名程序。活動報名成功後,系統將以承辦人之電子郵件發送「報名確認函」信件,建議您留存備查,如沒收到承辦人之電子郵件回覆,請致電桃園校區醫務室(蔡惠雅護士*3172)詢問。謝謝


The Campus Health Services Section will be holding CPR training on July 9, 2020 and all faculty and staff members are welcome to participate.

  1. Activity venue:9:00 am - 13:00 pm in M104 on Taoyuan campus
  2. Registration: Limited availability (limited to 50 participants on both campuses)
  3. Please refer to the attachments for more details.
  4. Please register in the eForm registration system before Friday, July 3, 2020. No need to login to the system for registration; please fill in all the required columns and complete the registration procedures by keying in and submitting two verification codes (capital or small letters are fine) at the bottom of the window. The system will send a confirmation email through the responsible staff’s e-mail once your registration is accepted successfully; please keep this email for your reference. If you don’t get the email, please contact Campus Health Services Section (ext. 3172 Ms. Tsai) on Taoyuan campus 


Campus Health Services Section cares about you.s Section cares about you.


日期 Date: 
06/09/2020 to 07/02/2020