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Meeting Title: Spring Semester Class Sanitation Coordinator Meeting
二、時 間:108年3月7日(星期四)中午12時
Date and time: 12:00 noon, March 7, 2019
三、地 點:B301教室
Venue: Room : B301
Participants: Class Sanitation Coordinators. Those who fail to attend the meeting
must sign in at the Campus Health Services Section.
We have prepared lunch boxes for all participants. If class sanitation coordinators are not able to attend the meeting, they are requested to send someone else in their place and have them collect relevant materials.
五、聯絡老師:護士 鄭毓翎
Contact person: Nurse Cheng , Yu-Ling 學務處衛生保健組 啟
ampus Health Services Section, Student Affairs Division,
Ming Chuan University