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地點:台北校區大會議室/桃園校區M104 (視訊連線)


Dear Colleagues:
Each unit is to arrange for the person responsible for their English webpages to participate in a "English Webpage Workshop", facilitated by Ms. LeAnn Eyerman from the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs. Academic and Administrative units alike are to have at least one administrative staff member attend, who can assist in the production / maintenance of the English webpages. Each participant will received 2 hours of educational training credit.
(A video of the workshop will be made available following the workshop.)

NOTE: This is an important event, so attendance is required. If it is truly impossible for the responsible faculty member to attend, a representative may attend in his/her place.

Time: October 18 (Tuesday), 9-11am
Venue: Teleconferencing between Taipei Large Conference Room (E402) and Taoyuan M104
Information and Network Division, Information Service Section
日期 Date: 
09/20/2016 to 10/14/2016