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"Chat & Heal: Listen to My Story" Activity 2 -Talk to Your Heart

Activity Date : March 25 (Monday) to April 12 (Friday), 2024

Activity Target : Faculty members, staff members, and students of Ming Chuan University

Activity Content: 

1.Borrow an e-book that has healed your heart or energized your spirit after reading.

2.Open the e-book, take a screenshot of the cover, and upload it to the eForm.

3.In the eForm, leave a message about why you recommend this book.


The information collected on this form is only used in the range and region required for the purposes of holding [library education training]; the period of keeping the information on file is based upon the activity. You will have rights in accordance with Item 5, Article 3 of Personal Information Protection Act. Please refer to MCU Guidelines for Personal Information Protection Management and MCU Personal Information Management System at URL http://pims.mcu.edu.tw) for further understanding of MCU personal information management policy, regulations and contact information.

日期 Date: 
03/25/2024 to 04/12/2024
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