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2019 -2020 AY Health Checkup for MCU Faculty and Staff

台北校區:109/1/02(星期四)上午7:30~11:00,地點: 逸仙堂。

Taipei Campus free health checkup time: From 7:30 am to 11:00 am on January 2 (Thursday), 2020 at Sun Yat Sen Auditorium


Please do not eat or drink water after 12:00 midnight the night prior to the health check-up. Please take the health check-up on an empty stomach!


You are not required to sign in to the system for registration. Please fill out the registration form directly to complete the registration process. After the registration is successful, the system will send a "Registration Confirmation" e-mail which you may keep for future reference.

為了您的健康,請大家踴躍參加 學務處衛保組關心您

 For the sake of your health, please take the checkup if at all possible.

Campus Health Services Section, Student Affairs Divisio  



日期 Date: 
12/09/2019 to 12/25/2019
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