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【圖書館LIBRARY】申請匯出個人借閱歷史紀錄Exporting Previous Loan Records from Library

1. 讀者可依圖書館公告之「如何匯出『個人借閱歷史紀錄』」說明,自行下載個人借閱歷史紀錄。
2. 由於個人借閱歷史紀錄將不會轉移至新系統,請於2019.12.15前匯出。如個人借閱歷史資料繁多,可利用本表單提出申請,由圖書館代為匯出歷史紀錄清單,每人限申請一次。
3. 所申請之紀錄將以電子郵件寄出至所填信箱,逾時或資料不完整之申請將不予受理。
Registration Period: Before Dec. 15, 2019.
Announcement(log in first):
1. Readers can follow the instruction 'How to Export Previous Loan Records' published on library website to export their reading history on their own. 
2. Since none of the records in history will be transferred into the new MCU Library System, the files has to be exported before Dec. 15, 2019. If the data is too large to download, readers can submit this form to apply for the assistance from librarians to export the records for them. Each person can only request for this service once.
3. Records will be sent by email. People who did not provide enough information or missed the due date won't get the result.
日期 Date: 
11/12/2019 to 12/15/2019