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【教學暨學習資源中心】108年3月22日「跨領域教育、學習、與創新」教師研習活動(桃園校區M104會議室)視訊收播 Teaching Orientation Speech in Taoyuan Campus on March 22



Please register for other events because registration quota of this speech is full.  Thank you!


  教資中心擬辦理教師教學知能研習活動,邀請 國立臺灣大學 生物產業傳播暨發展學系  岳修平  教授,就「跨領域教育、學習、與創新」主題發表演說。活動訊息如下,敬邀師長踴躍於 3/14 (星期四) 前 報名參加!

講者:國立臺灣大學 生物產業傳播暨發展學系  岳修平  教授
日期:108 年 3 月 22 日(星期五)
時間:中午 12:10 至 下午 13:40 <敬備餐盒>
地點:桃園校區 M104 會議室 <現場主講>

教資中心 秀梅 敬上 (#3659)




Dear colleagues,

The Teaching and Learning Resources Center at MCU has invited Professor Hsiu-Ping Yueh of National Taiwan University to present a speech about Multi-/interdisciplinary education, learning and innovation from 12:10 to 13:40, March 22, 2019 (Friday), M104 Conference Room on Taoyuan Campus.

Though the presentation will be in Chinese, we still would like to encourage you to participate.
Lunch is provided.

Interested individuals, please register online at this webpage before March 14, 2019 (Thursday).
Best regards,
Teaching and Learning Resources Center


日期 Date: 
02/19/2019 to 02/21/2019