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【圖書館】桃園校區-大學部畢業生借閱權限延長申請Extending Borrowing Privilege For Graduating Seniors(Undergraduate Students on Taoyuan Campus Only)

申請期限:2020.05.01(五)~ 2020.05.31(日)






  (1) 您不符合申請資格:交換學生無法申請延長借閱權利

  (2) 您的帳戶已累積圖書逾期罰款超過200元,請持繳費收據至圖書館櫃台結清罰鍰後,重新填寫申請表單

  (3) 您有逾期圖書尚未歸還,請將圖書還清後,重新填寫申請表單













(1) 提醒您,經圖書館審核通過者,除延長借閱權限至指定日期外,相關借閱規則,悉依本館借閱辦法辦理。

(2) 您於申請前借出之館藏到期日並不會隨之自動展延。請自行登入您的圖書館帳戶確認手邊借閱的借期,並辦理續借或歸還。

(3) 凡通過上述任一申請者,未來欲至教務處辦理離校手續前,敬請先歸還所有借閱及繳清罰款,並主動聯繫圖書館櫃台進行離校審核。

(4) 2020.06.01(一)起,如欲延長借閱權限但未提出申請者,一律以押金NT$1,000方式補辦延長,請洽所在校區的圖書館櫃台。


Registration period: from May 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020.

Announcement (log in first):


Please login your library account after 2 workdays after your application. If your application has been accepted, the note “已申請延長借閱權限108-2 “ should be added to your [Blocks + Messages] in your [Library Card].

Your application may be declined due to the following reason(s):

(1) You are not our target readers. For Exchange students, your expiration date cannot be extended.

(2) You have overdue penalty over NT$200. Please retry after you pay off your fines.

(3) You have materials overdue already. Please retry after you return those materials.

If there are further questions, please contact library's staff for help (Telephone:03-3507001/#3823, #5087).


For students who apply for extending privilege to June 30, 2020:

  Select this option if you are not going to leave school before June 30, 2020. Please return all the borrowed materials and pay off your overdue penalty before then.

  Your library card will be expired since July 1, 2020.


For students who apply for extending privilege to September 25, 2020:

  Select this option if you will stay on campus during summer break or continue your studies next semester.

  Since June 29, 2020, you will have to sign in your library account using “Other Users”, the password will also need to be reset. After then, in Personal details in your account, you will find your account expires on 2020/9/25.

  When the next semester begins, please take your student ID card to the Academic Affairs Office to get a new registration stamp, then come back to library staff to recover your borrowing privilege.


Application Notice:

(1) This application only extends the borrowing privilege.

(2) The due date of your borrowed books would NOT be renewed automatically. Please make sure the deadline for your items on loan and remember to renew or return them on time.

(3) You need to contact library staff to complete your School Leaving Procedure after you return all the borrowed materials and paid off your overdue penalty.

(4) You may still extend your borrowing privilege since 2020.06.01 by paying a deposit of NT$1000 at the circulation desk.


日期 Date: 
05/01/2020 to 05/31/2020